what happens at tlc?


TLC is a coed summer camp for youth. Your son or daughter will meet other youth and build face-to-face, open, honest friendships in a trusting and safe environment. They'll also learn the skills to enhance past, present and future relationships.

Youth will walk away from TLC with enhanced communication skills, knowing how to TRUST others, and most importantly, trust THEMSELVES. 

Teamwork is an essential life skill. Youth will learn to embrace team effort, and experience how to be effective and powerful within a team. In addition a willingness to embrace the uniqueness and strength of each individual.

By breaking through self-limiting beliefs, youth will leave
TLC with a renewed confidence of themselves. They'll be able to identify resistance.

In a controlled, supportive setting, youth will gain the confidence to unleash the leader within themselves. They'll walk away with increased self-esteem and tap into their dreams through personal transformation.

​At Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary, youth will have time to connect with nature and amazing world around them. Through this unique setting and experience they'll be given opportunity to discover their own true passions and clarity with direction and focus.


tomorrow's leaders camp

yOUTH AGES (12-17)


Teen Summer Camps - July 10-15, 2016

"leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders." -Tom peters

who are tomorrow's leaders?

Youth ages 12 to 17 who are interested in making a difference in their community. TLC is for youth who desire to be achievers. Today's youth have within them the same potential of generations past, and TLC helps bring that potential to life.

the program

During TLC's structured guidance, teens will experience a wide variety of activities geared toward personal development and leadership.

Teens will be under 24-hour guidance and supervision throughout their stay, with activities that keep them engaged and focused on their leadership goals. Part of their week will be spent at Equine Inspired Wellness in nearby Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.

We will have a special guest, Carol Rudd back to teach more tai chi and meditation skills! She is the owner of Healing Choices Oasis in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

For more information on programming, visit our FAQs page.